The latest from John Pettit

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

Passing the torch

Small credit unions face many challenges these days to keep pace in a hotly competitive market and to recruit talented employees. HUD Federal Credit Union has launched an initiative to ...

- by Anthony Demangone, CU Suite

Crocker’s Rules

This weekend, I was listening to The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast.  (I really love the podcast, but I’ll save my comments about it for a future day.) This episode ...

- by Jennifer Stangl, CUES Skybox

Which learning offering will help you get the best outcome?

With access to so many different professional development resources today, it is not a question of if there is something available, but what is the best resource, given certain goals. ...

- by Bo McDonald, Your Marketing Co.

It’s time to take your strategic plan off the shelf

How long has it been since your last strategic planning event? Six months? Four months? Several weeks? Perhaps a better question would be, what strategic discussions have you had with ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Let Fed know interest in joining payments working group

The Fed is launching two groups among industry stakeholders in March to help improve payments security. Credit union personnel interested in participating in the Federal Reserve’s Fraud Definitions Work ...