The latest from John Pettit

- by Katy Slater,

What does “sustainable business” mean to credit unions?

The word “sustainable” generates different images for different people. For some, it’s the responsible use of natural resources. For others, it’s using green building materials or perhaps employing ...

- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

Prep and landing for the next recession

We have no crystal ball. Any good economist will tell you they can’t predict the future either. They are really good at explaining what has happened, which is why ...

- by Darcy Hoffman, The Financial Brand

5 tips for financial marketers to tap AI’s personalization potential

While fintech companies have been at the leading edge of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered innovation, financial services marketers are making up ground fast. McKinsey Global Institute says healthcare, financial services, ...

- by Victor Corro, Coopera

Remittances continue to be relevant to Hispanic families

Few things are more important to Hispanics than family. In fact, both the nuclear and extended families – la familias – are highly valued by the vast majority of Hispanics both in ...

- by CUNA News

Compliance: CPFB issues payday rule compliance guide

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) last week released a small entity compliance guide for its short-term, small-dollar loan rule, otherwise known as the “payday” rule. Though the bureau proposed ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Save $200 off CEOs conference by Friday

Early-bird registration savings of $200 end Friday for NAFCU’s CEOs and Senior Executives Conference. Throughout the conference, credit union executives will have opportunities to network and exchange ideas with ...

- by David Baumann, CU Times

Waters seeking whistleblowers at CFPB

Citing surveys that found widespread morale problems at the CFPB, House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is urging employees at the agency who believe the bureau’s work is ...