The latest from John Pettit

- by Rachael Schwartz, CSI

8 tips for improving your IT policies

“Cybercrime is relentless, undiminished, and unlikely to stop.” This dire statement from the 2018 McAfee Economic Impact of Cybercrime report cannot be ignored. The study, conducted in association with the ...

- by Jennifer Stangl, CUES Skybox

A designation like CCE or CIE means learning went deep

CCE, CIE … You’ve likely seen these prestigious letters after a name in an email signature, and you may even have some of your own. These letters indicate a designation ...

- by Robert McGarvey, McGarvey's Words

Are you a typical top tier traveler?

Just how typical are you? Travel data co-op ADARA set out to portray what makes top tier travelers special and the result is a paper titled Understanding the Secret Lives ...

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

Field of membership dispute nearly derails merger

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the Feb. 1 merger of Merrimack Valley Credit Union and Bridgewater Credit Union: The legal fight over federal field of membership rules ...

- by CU Magazine

Slide show: Highlights from the 2019 CUNA GAC

Former Secretary of State John Kerry lauded credit unions’ legacy of providing fair access to the financial system during his keynote address Monday at the 2019 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference. ...