The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

FOMC begins two-day meeting; no rate hike expected

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy-setting arm, begins a two-day meeting today, which is not expected to end with a rate hike. The committee ...

- by Paul Seibert, CMC, CU Management

Facility Solutions: New headquarters development

The number and size of retail financial institution branches are declining, but due to such factors as mergers and growth, headquarters needs are increasing at thriving credit unions. Just 10 ...

- by Lynn Heckler, Delivering Possibilities

Diversity & Inclusion – Why credit unions should care

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) programs have been around for decades, and frankly have created a limited amount of true positive impact. Credit union leaders have been trained on understanding the ...

- by Marc Rapport,

6 ways credit unions use CDFI grants

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund is once again on the chopping block. The Trump administration’s budget for 2020 would eliminate funds for the grants, which are used to ...

- by Removing Barriers Blog

Setting the record straight on Elizabeth Warren’s new bill

Recently, a lot of questions have been raised in the press about whether Senator Elizabeth Warren’s new American Housing Economic Mobility Act of 2019 would increase credit unions’ regulatory ...

- by Steve Donohue, The Financial Brand

Banking and the impending Baby Boomer crisis

When Millennials get most of marketers’ attention — followed closely by Generation Z — one might easily get the impression that Baby Boomers have become irrelevant. To be sure, younger cohorts represent ...