The latest from John Pettit

- by Diane Franklin, CUES Skybox

The tax implications of board insurance benefits

Are insurance benefits provided to board members considered taxable income? The answer is largely “yes,” but also, “it depends.” “The general rule under the tax code is something provided in ...

- by Robert McGarvey, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

Crying out for an end to overdraft fees? Meet grain technology

Probably the single most despised charge at financial institutions is the overdraft fee – and a NerdWallet survey of the exact charges imposed by a selection of mid-sized (Navy Federal) through ...

- by Marc Rapport,

3 ways to connect through co-working spaces

Co-working spaces are a fast-growing phenomenon that have emerged as the rise of the gig economy and other self-employed entrepreneurs has created the need for affordable locations for innovative spirits ...

- by Alyssa Nolte, CU Management

Tech Time: Machine learning transforms instinct into knowledge

Machine learning is a technology you are likely hearing a lot about these days, for good reason. Artificial intelligence uses algorithms to process data, detect patterns and predict outcomes. Machine ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

Create a culture that rocks

Most people think the culture at their companies is satisfactory. “But they need a good swift kick to amp it up,” says Jim Knight, business culture catalyst and former head ...