The latest from John Pettit

- by Bill Streeter, The Financial Brand

Americans’ love/hate relationship with money

Mocking those with money is a popular pastime. The rich are an easy target. There are relatively few of them — the much vilified 1% — often stereotyped as greedy, corrupt, amoral — ...

- by CUNA News

Nussle talks advocacy, advancement with Australian CUs

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle addressed global credit union peers Thursday during World Council of Credit Unions’ Australian Credit Union Study Trip. His keynote address at a CEO/Director meeting ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Consumers need protection from big banks, NAFCU says

The House Financial Services Committee held a hearing Wednesday with members questioning CEOs of some of the world’s largest banks on current capital levels, employee pay and their involvement ...

- by Michael Ogden, CU Times

Student lending crisis winner: Olive Garden

In a span of a few years between the mid-70s and early-80s, our family went from upper-middle class to simply put, poor. Growing up in northwest Arkansas, at the edge ...

- by Aman Johal,

Credit union industry at-a-glance (4Q18)

2018 was a great year for credit unions nationwide. On the back of a strong economy, with GDP up 2.8% over the year and unemployment levels at record lows, ...

- by David Huffman, The Financial Brand

In banking, big data is great . . . but right data is better

Today’s consumers have more options than ever before, so they expect the financial service providers that they’ve selected to truly know them. On the other hand, consumers worry ...