The latest from John Pettit

- by Angelo D. Jones II, CU Management

PR Insight: Leveraging awards to grow your business

The laborious process of applying for industry awards can prove stressful and painstakingly long for credit union marketers. They may not consider the countless hours of drafting and editing award ...

- by CU Magazine

Check who’s knocking at your door

The online channel is a critical service tool for credit unions. The ability to provide convenient services anywhere and from any device is essential to a credit union’s member ...

- by Amber Goodrich, CSI

Making it SAFE to bank the marijuana industry

Will Proposed Legislation Change the Risk Calculus for Financial Institutions? As states continue to legalize medical and recreational marijuana, pressure is mounting on both marijuana-related businesses (MRBs) and financial institutions ...

- by Andy Roquet, CUES Skybox

Four steps for dealing with excise tax

May 15 was the first payment date for the 21% excise tax on annual executive compensation in excess of $1 million to any one of a CU’s top-five paid ...