The latest from John Pettit

- by Tina Orem, CU Times

SPIRE CU unveils new charitable giving app for CUs

Falcon Heights, Minn.-based SPIRE Credit Union and Minneapolis-based venture studio DNT BLNK launched a new industry app this month called NetGiver, which allows members to donate to charities directly ...

- by Dr. Kathy Snider, InsightVault

Members & Service: Building trust in a digital-first world

Today, the quality of your service and support – more than any other factor – impacts how members feel about your credit union. Consider a global study on customer service by Microsoft, ...

- by Kirk Drake, The OGO Blog

Should your credit union move to managed patching?

There are plenty of odious tasks in the credit union industry. That goes double for operations staff. But few of those tasks are worse than patching. That’s why managed ...

- by Jason O'Brien, SWBC LenderHUB

The benefits of implementing debit card payment options

Companies in every industry have had to adapt to growing consumer expectations for financial interactions that are fast, easy, and secure. Experiences with online retail firms like Amazon have conditioned ...

- by Reginald Watson, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Recent funds availability FAQs

Whether driven by inventive fraud schemes or the Federal Reserve’s reopening of a 2011 proposal, we have seen an uptick in questions from credit unions related to Regulation CC’...

- by CUNA News

2-day CUAC meeting features remittance, debt collection talks

CUNA attended the two-day meeting of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Credit Union Advisory Council Wednesday and Thursday. The CUAC advises the bureau on regulating consumer financial products ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Mortgage lender fined $1.75M for inaccurate HMDA data

The CFPB has fined Freedom Mortgage Corporation $1.75 million for filing inaccurate Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data. Freedom is one of the 10 largest HMDA reporters in the ...