The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

NAFCU announces new 2019-2020 board

NAFCU yesterday announced its 2019-2020 Board of Directors, on the opening day of its 52nd Annual Conference and Solutions Expo in New Orleans. “This is an exciting time for NAFCU ...

- by Stephanie Schwenn Sebring, CU Management

Life insurance goes digital

A seismic shift has occurred since life insurance became viable over two centuries ago. Not so much in its core purpose, protecting an individual’s assets and loved ones, but ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

The Disney approach

Having a great product is no longer enough. Today’s consumers want to have an emotional connection with the companies they patronize, says Jeff James, vice president/general manager of ...

- by Jenny Surane, Julie Verhage and Kurt Wagner, CU Times

Facebook’s cryptocurrency project: Who’s in and who’s out

Facebook Inc. made a renewed push into payments this week, announcing plans for a cryptocurrency called Libra. It will be governed by the Libra Association, a group of companies that ...