The latest from John Pettit

- by Bill Streeter, The Financial Brand

Banking brands can’t keep pace with digital giants without AI

Even though the acronym AI is now well-embedded in banking industry consciousness, actual use of artificial intelligence, and its cousins machine learning and data analytics, has been limited except with ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA advocacy, compliance leaders meet w/ NCUA staff

CUNA advocacy and compliance staff, including Chief Compliance Officer Jared Ihrig, Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer Elizabeth Eurgubian and Manager of Federal Compliance Information and Research Nancy DeGrandi met with NCUA ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

New-home sales see sharp decline in May

New-home sales decreased 7.8 percent from April’s upwardly-revised 679,000 annualized units. NAFCU Research Assistant Dhruv Singh attributed the plunging figure to the rising impact of tariffs on ...

- by Taylor W. Wells, On The Mark Strategies

Michael Myers: Brand ambassador champion

When partnering with credit unions and banks on brand and consumer experience initiatives, we counsel that all employees are brand ambassadors. That is to say, every employee from the CEO ...