The latest from John Pettit

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

Before you switch core processing systems

Core processors are often equipped with such a wide array of functionality and customization options that credit unions may not be using their systems to full effect. Most vendors offer ...

- by Bo McDonald, Your Marketing Co.

Considering a merger? Do this first!

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the CEO of a $20 million credit union. After learning about the results they’re seeing, I exclaimed, “You’re doing some ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Being a great leader takes work

We all know someone who was “born to lead.” That might even describe you. This is true to some degree, leadership does take certain skills – some of which are innate. ...

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

Is your financial marketing worthy of C-Suite status?

According to McKinsey, 83% of CEOs globally believe marketing can be a major driver of growth. This is obviously a new phenomenon, given that marketing traditionally was viewed as a “...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

Are your 2019 fintech goals on track?

At the mid-point of 2019, Summer is here and vacations have started. If you manage to sneak away from your role as a  credit union leader, perhaps sipping your lemonade ...