The latest from John Pettit

- by Katie Kuehner-Hebert, CU Times

Employee marijuana use: Is your organization prepared?

Employers operating in states that have legalized marijuana use may be having a tough time figuring out how to handle a worker who smoked pot the night before. The employee ...

- by Gigi Hyland, National Credit Union Foundation

Treasuring an inspiration

In life, our paths sometimes cross for the briefest flicker of time with another and we are forever changed. I feel that way about Mr. Clarence Hall.  Mr. Hall received ...

- by Elizabeth M. Young LaBerge, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Banker rule FAQs: Regulation O and notice of branch closures

Many credit union staff are former bank employees. We forgive them for this because we’ve all made mistakes in our past. The vast majority of substantive banking experience can ...