The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Equifax to pay $700M for 2017 breach

The CFPB, Federal Trade Commission and 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico yesterday announced a $700 million settlement with Equifax related to its 2017 data breach that ...

- by Michael G. Daigneault, CCD and Jennie Boden, CU Management

Good Governance: Being chair is more challenging than you think

When we work with credit union boards, and in particular with chairs, we’ll often start by asking the provocative question, “Should boards manage?” Immediately the resounding response, of course, ...

- by Cassidy Cochrum, The Decision Maker

The credit union data analytics journey: 4 steps to success

Data analytics is no longer available only to massive technology corporations and big banks. In fact, with access to enough data, even smaller credit unions can join the fun. With ...

- by Erik Payne,

Collecting cannabusiness deposits in The Evergreen State

Recent estimates by Barclays suggest the U.S. cannabis market — were it legal today — would be worth nearly $30 billion in annual sales and primed to grow by an additional $...

- by Robert McGarvey, McGarvey's Words

Credit unions buying banks: Good, bad, or plain ugly

Eight times so far this year a credit union has bought a bank, according to Credit Union Times’ count.  Some deals are small – Verve for instance paid $43 million to ...