The latest from John Pettit

- by Elizabeth M. Young LaBerge, NAFCU Compliance Blog

The updated fidelity bond rule goes final

At the July meeting of the NCUA Board, the Board voted to finalize the fidelity bond rule proposed in November 2018. It was published in the Federal Register on July ...

- by Samantha Cristobal,

A holistic look at member growth

Americans continue to join credit unions in record numbers. Each person joins for their own reasons, but together they’re energizing a movement that now accounts for more than one-third ...

- by CUNA News

Leaders reach agreement on bipartisan budget deal

Administration and Congressional leaders agreed to suspend mandatory discretionary budget cuts included in the Budget Control Act of 2011, cuts that would have gone into effect starting Sept. 30.  Negotiators ...

- by Mary Beth Sullivan, Mary Ellen Georgas-Tellefsen, CU Management

Let data drive strategy

Either by design or default, all financial services companies have a strategy. Some organizations spend considerable time, money and resources analyzing opportunities, assessing competitive position and developing comprehensive strategic plans. ...

- by Tina Orem, CU Times

New study highlights what makes people switch credit unions

Fee transparency, inertia, and friends and family are three of the biggest determinants in whether a member joins a new credit union or engages with another financial institution, according to ...