The latest from John Pettit

- by Ryan Battles, CU Management

Get ready to do business in a fundamentally different way

The next decade is poised to deliver an exponential rate of change in consumer financial services. As described below and in the EY report, NextWave Consumer Financial Services Insights, the ...

- by Kirk Drake, The OGO Blog

Credit union core hosting guide

So, you have finally decided that storing your credit union core servers in your old school computer room may not be the best option. If so, then you’re in ...

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

Financial institutions must become digital innovators

For decades, the products offered and the channels used to deliver financial solutions have changed very little. There was small risk to being complacent, because the consumer was modestly satisfied ...

- by NAFCU Compliance Blog

HELOC advertising: Refresher on trigger terms and workshop

At this year’s Regulatory Compliance Seminar that will be held in Savannah, Georgia, from October 1st through the 4th, the NAFCU Compliance team will be unveiling an advertising workshop ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Senate passes debt ceiling, budget deal

Lawmakers in the Senate Thursday passed the two-year $1.37 trillion budget deal before heading home for the August recess. The deal – which also seeks to suspend the debt ceiling ...