The latest from John Pettit

- by Ray Birch,

A big change in banking is coming

Global fifth-generation cellular wireless, better known as 5G, is going to have a big impact within financial services–including in one way that will be “counterintuitive” to many CUs, according ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

How to steer new leaders in the right direction

As leaders become more experienced with the ups and downs of managing people, it gets easier to spot those who have the potential to lead their own team – or company – ...

- by Alma Calcano, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Employing previously convicted individuals: New NCUA guidance

In its July meeting, the NCUA Board voted to issue among other things, a proposed Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement (IRPS 19-01) on exceptions to employment restrictions under Section 205(...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

How much does a new member really cost?

The calculation is not a complex one: credit union growth is imperative for long term survival. Retain your current members while at the same time adding new ones. While marketing ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Credit card company expands faster payments presence

Mastercard Wednesday announced its majority purchase of a Denmark company that features an electronic-billing platform and clearing and instant-payment services. Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve also announced that it ...

- by The Economist Intelligence Unit, CU Management

CFO Focus: The strategic exec in a rapidly changing world

CFOs may not always be the most publicly visible executives compared with CEOs and other senior leaders, but in a rapidly changing world full of new challenges and risks, finance ...

- by Glen Sarvady, CU Magazine

Real-time payments: A new era begins

Monday’s announcement that the Federal Reserve plans to enter the real-time payments business created as much controversy as the wonky world of back-office processing can muster. FedNow, a “round-the-clock, ...