The latest from John Pettit

- by Brian Smith, CU Management

Leadership Matters: Understand your influence

If you have ever been a participant in or a fan of sports, you have likely heard the phrase, “There is no ‘I’ in team.” But it is my goal ...

- by Tina Orem, CU Times

Visa launches new fraud-detection efforts

Visa has rolled out four new security features that alert financial institutions about fraudulent ATM activity and card-not-present fraud, as well as detect security vulnerabilities in EMV transactions and merchant ...

- by Elizabeth Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

How to make your marketing agency work for you

So you’ve hired a creative marketing agency for your credit union or bank. Congratulations! But now what? It’s not uncommon for financial institutions to see pretty marketing from ...

- by CUNA News

Credit union victory in NCUA FOM challenge

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion today upholding almost all portions of the NCUA’s field of membership (FOM) rule, which had been challenged by American ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Berger details NAFCU’s recipe for membership growth

Since 2013, NAFCU’s membership has risen 37 percent and its revenue has grown 31 percent – an impressive feat among today’s trade associations. In an Associations Now feature, NAFCU ...