The latest from John Pettit

- by Richard H. Gamble, CU Management

Bring employees up to speed

Perhaps the most practical, cost-effective way to fight fraud is a good training program. “At the end of the day,” notes Chris Guard, VP/compliance and fraud at $40 billion ...

- by Tina Orem, CU Times

ATM attacks & fraud up, survey reports

Most ATM operators say they’re experiencing more ATM attacks and fraud in the last 12 months, but opinions about how to fight back appear mixed, according to new data ...

- by Jimese Harkley, J.D, CUDE, CUES Skybox

Membership Minute: Use it or lose it

Everyone loves getting card rewards points that can be used toward future travel, merchandise, cash back or gift cards. In some cases, points can also be used to attend exclusive ...

- by Marc Rapport,

Is it time now for FedNow?

In terms of expectations, the American consumer is running ahead of the payments engines that help drive their everyday financial lives. That explains the “let’s get going” tone among ...

- by Reginald Watson, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Truth in Lending threshold adjustments for 2020

Greetings compliance friends! Just last month, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) issued its annual inflation-based adjustments of certain threshold dollar amounts for transactions covered under Regulation Z. The ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Caucus lineup continues to grow ahead of kick off

NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus is just days away – hundreds of credit union professionals are set to gather in Washington, D.C., Sunday – and the association continues to add notable lawmakers ...