The latest from John Pettit

- by Eric Kraus, CUES Skybox

Taming the digital risk tiger at credit unions

Providing easy digital access is table stakes among rising numbers of credit union members who need anytime, anywhere access to funds. But along with increased access come new risks as ...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

Leveraging technology to streamline your workflow

In this digitally competitive day and age, where everyone wants and expects an answer “yesterday,” being efficient is imperative. The mortgage market in particular has grown more and more crowded ...

- by CUNA News

CECL cited top compliance challenge, CU relief still needed

Credit unions consistently cite the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard as one of, if not the, biggest compliance challenge they are facing, and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ...

- by Laurie Maddalena, MBA, CPCC, PHR, CU Management

NextGen Know-How: How I started taking unplugged vacations

In mid-August, our family took a 10-day vacation to Nashville, where we stayed on a 200-acre working ranch with horses, a pool and a spotty internet connection. Two years ago, ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

Identify security gaps with testing

Certain testing exercises can enable credit unions to gauge their internal controls, and find and fill their security gaps, according to two security experts. Peter Misurek, information security engineer at ...