The latest from John Pettit

- by Elizabeth Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

Five stories that sell

A recent study from Deloitte showed that businesses who interact with consumers as humans—not as consumers only—are outperforming their competitors at a rate of 2-1 over a three ...

- by Connie Shoemaker, CUES Skybox

Avoid these mistakes in your disaster recovery strategy

Most organizations, credit unions included, have a disaster recovery and business continuity plan in place. A business continuity plan is critical to a comprehensive risk management program. It ensures that ...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

A look at member growth and engagement

Americans are continuing to join credit unions in record numbers, for a variety of different reasons. They may join for an affinity, their occupation or because its a part of  ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

CFPB says structure is ‘unconstitutional’

After years of lawsuits challenging the CFPB’s single-director structure and calls from various stakeholders – including NAFCU – to change its governance to a bipartisan commission, the Trump administration has determined ...

- by Ron Jooss, CU Magazine

‘Death by a thousand cuts’

Every credit union feels the pinch of the fintech industry whether it’s the little players like Acorn or the behemoths such as Amazon. Strategy consultant Lauralee Hites outlined the ...