The latest from John Pettit

- by CUNA News

Compliance: CFPB issues FAQs on SAFE Act amendments

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has published four frequently asked questions about the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act (SAFE Act) of 2008, and the amendments made ...

- by Nigel Davies, CU Management

Why care about culture, and how to make it thrive

Although not as easy to pin down as revenue or retention, organizational culture is perhaps the single biggest thing impacting your employees and your members right now. And it’s ...

- by Ray Birch,

Costly account leads to big change

Free checking is in the “coffin,” according to one new report, which has found a rapid acceleration in the number of credit unions eliminating their free checking offerings. A new ...

- by Eric Mitchell, CUES Skybox

Our best strategy: Preparing for the worst

Nobody likes to dwell on the unthinkable. But September was National Preparedness Month, making now an opportune time to take stock of how ready we are personally and collectively for ...

- by Visa

Visa brings installment payment options to the US

The millennial generation is like no other, especially when it comes to matters of the wallet. Sixty percent of millennials in the U.S. said that they are interested in ...

- by Alma Calcano, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Mortgages in another state?

The Federal Credit Union (FCU) Act expressly provides credit unions with the power to make loans to its members, to other credit unions, and to other credit union organizations. NCUA ...

- by Traci Mottweiler, Allied Insights

How to leverage consumer trends to grow your loan portfolio

Home lending has become increasingly more difficult in today’s evolving marketplace. The main factors driving these lending challenges include: 1. Evolving competition 2. Shifting consumer demographics 3. Increasing loan ...