The latest from John Pettit

- by Roy Urrico, CU Times

App loyalty is the new brand loyalty

Application loyalty is the new brand loyalty as consumers demand a flawless digital customer experience according to from a new study examining consumers’ reliance on applications and digital services. San ...

- by Anthony Cooper, ViClarity

Compliance and operations: Stronger together

Hello readers! My name is Anthony Kirt Cooper, and I am proud to be a new Compliance Consultant on the PolicyWorks team. I began this next step in my career ...

- by Zeke Hudson, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

CU 2.0’s on-page SEO checklist

Most credit unions use content for inbound marketing in some capacity. But from what we’ve seen, most credit unions don’t follow many (if any) best practices. So, we’...

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

What the most innovative leaders in banking have in common

To succeed in the future, financial institutions must embrace a culture of innovation that reinforces the process of digital transformation. To accomplish this, a bank or credit union must have ...

- by Katy Slater,

What’s your North Star?

I’ve noticed a trend lately. When I tell you about it, you’ll start to notice it, too. I’ve noticed lately that everyone is always looking down. Whether ...