The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Kraninger provides insights into innovation, rulemakings

CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger testified before the Senate Banking Committee Thursday and provided lawmakers with insights into the bureau’s ongoing efforts related to consumer protection and education, innovation, and ...

- by Roy Urrico, CU Times

Can CUs capitalize on smart device money movement?

Over 1 million internal transfers occurred in July 2019, making up 67% of all money movement; 77% transfers came via smartphone devices; and since 2014 mobile usage increased 270%. The ...

- by Melissa Kopp, NAFCU Services Blog

5 tech trends driving payments

Global payments include a wide range of channels with lightning-speed innovation, primarily coming from outside the banking world. Credit unions, however, must accommodate cardholders demanding convenience, security, and rapid-fire results. ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Stay focused on growth with these traits

How do leaders ensure consistent growth for their companies? There’s no easy answer; success has many influences. Ultimately, though, strong management helps businesses effectively address any challenges facing your ...

- by Visa

A company on a mission for “everyone, everywhere”

Diversity and inclusion aren’t just good ideas, they are good business ideas. A 2015 report from McKinsey found that companies with the highest gender, racial and ethnic diversity are ...

- by Matt Monge, On The Mark Strategies

Toned calves? 5 signs teams don’t trust

I know, I know, you’re scratching your head, wondering what in the world toned calves have to do with trust. You see, when teams don’t trust… Well, think ...

- by Sharon Simpson,

What’s in a name: Senior Vice President Of Community Impact

When Heather McKissick joined University Federal Credit Union($2.6B, Austin, TX) in 2013 as vice president of human resources, she brought a deep knowledge of not-for-profit leadership and community ...