The latest from John Pettit

- by David Karl, CU Management

Watch out for the moose!

It’s a fact that change comes easier to certain people compared to others. While some embrace change as a chance for a new beginning, others look at it as ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

Grow your ‘curiosity muscle’

If your credit union is wildly successful, be very worried. That’s when complacency sets in, says Diana Kander, author of “The Curiosity Muscle.” “Every dollar you make is a ...

- by Henry Meier, State of Mind

Hemp regulations bring banking issues to the forefront

On October 29th, the USDA issued interim final rules providing a framework for the legal protection and distribution of hemp in states that choose to legalize it. The long awaited ...

- by E.C. Harrison,

8 avenues to avoid a fair lending exam

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) in September released HMDA data for 5,683 U.S. financial institutions on 12.9 million home loan applications in 2018. The report ...