The latest from John Pettit

- by Jimese Harkley, J.D, CUDE, CUES Skybox

CUES Membership Minute: Setting up for good learning in 2020

CUES members have been enthusiastically participating in our scavenger hunt. They are learning about various aspects of their membership, marking off “found” items on a checklistand saying engaging things like: “...

- by Lauren McNeely, BloomCU

How you can increase website conversions with repetition

According to consumer behavior studies, the average consumer needs to see an ad at least three times to remember the product or brand. When a consumer first reads your message, ...

- by Zeke Hudson, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

One way to reduce new member churn at your credit union

It can be hard to bring in new members to credit unions. And the reality is, that difficulty can be measured in dollars. Member acquisition costs can add up quickly. ...

- by Bill Streeter, The Financial Brand

Why average won’t cut it much longer in digital banking

The major turning point when digital banking transactions outstripped branch-based transactions has already passed. A much bigger milestone will be the point at which more consumers use digital-only providers as ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA backs FedNow proposal, urges CU involvement in process

CUNA strongly supports the Federal Reserve board’s decision to develop interbank settlement of faster payments, it wrote Thursday. The Fed proposed potential actions to create an interbank 24x7x365 real-time ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Futureproof your CU with Strategic Growth Conference

How can credit unions tap into today’s consumer-driven “Know Me” economy? How can a credit union utilize crypto technologies and artificial intelligence? Digital Disruption Strategist Linda Bernardi will answer ...