The latest from John Pettit

- by Peter Rudegeair and Liz Hoffman, The Wall Street Journal

Next in Google’s quest for consumer dominance: banking

Google will soon offer checking accounts to consumers, becoming the latest Silicon Valley heavyweight to push into finance. The project, code-named Cache, is expected to launch next year with accounts ...

- by Joe Winn, CU Geek

Old-school thinking

You’re not old, just maturing like a fine wine. We all do it, no matter our age. “Because it’s always been done that way.” How much sense does ...

- by René Clayton, Delivering Possibilities

Looking ahead to AI in the credit union environment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to infiltrate the financial world. I recently attended the 2019 BankAI conference, hosted by American Banker, which explored how AI is being deployed in banking today ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

CUs: Comment now on FOM proposal, added flexibility

NAFCU is seeking comment from member credit unions on the NCUA’s proposed changes to its field of membership (FOM) rule. The changes aim to make it consistent with the ...

- by Tim Duy, CU Times

Even the Fed’s own research shows rates are too high

New research from the Federal Reserve’s own economists reveal that estimates of the neutral real rate of interest are well below those of policy makers. The low estimates have ...