The latest from John Pettit

- by Alma Calcano, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Is your credit union diverse?

Happy early Thanksgiving compliance friends! Earlier this month, NCUA hosted its first annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) summit. The agency described it as an event “where credit union ...

- by Bo McDonald, Your Marketing Co.

What are you scared of?

“We’ll do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.” Whether we’re talking about our personal experiences or professional endeavors, this insightful quote from Tony Robbins rings true. ...

- by Lacey Yasick, National Credit Union Foundation

Extra thankful for our credit union movement

Not entirely sure how we got to the end of November already, but it has us feeling a certain type of way over here at the Foundation. As we reflect ...

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

How to operationalize your brand

One question we often hear during a rebrand (once you’ve determined your vision, decided your niches, crafted your message and created your new visuals) is “What’s next?” The ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

NAFCU releases updated marijuana banking brief

A new version of NAFCU’s Marijuana Banking Issue Brief is now available online, providing credit unions with comprehensive, up-to-date information on federal legislative efforts and state-level marijuana laws. Earlier ...

- by Les Wallace, PhD, CU Management

Good Governance: The board and talent management

Just the title of this article makes governance experts recoil. Boards have always been advised to stay out of organizational management and that includes human resources issues. Yet, as organizational ...

- by Roy Urrico, CU Times

Fraudsters unpack new and old holiday scams

Cybercriminals are preparing for the holidays, determined to take advantage of organizational and personal distractions. A number of cybersecurity professionals provided us with warnings and scam protections. Here is the ...