The latest from John Pettit

- by Elizabeth Cardenas, SWBC LenderHUB

Transaction laundering in the payments landscape

These days, criminals have turned to internet-based transaction laundering to disguise profits from unscrupulous and illegal enterprises. Transaction laundering has also been referred to as factoring, undisclosed aggregation, and electronic ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Why you need criticism to grow

Just as there is no success without failure, there is no improvement without criticism. Many of us likely are our own worst critic, but being able to take someone’s ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

CPI sees growth; no rate changes expected

On a seasonally adjusted basis, overall consumer prices increased 0.2 percent in December following a 0.3 percent rise in November. NAFCU’s Curt Long, in a new Macro ...

- by Mary York, CU Management

Inside Marketing: Top 3 trends for 2020

Brand awareness and effective marketing are crucial elements of growth for every organization, including credit unions. But staying on top of the latest trends and strategies can be challenging, especially ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

PODCAST: Raising consideration of credit unions

As a credit union branch manager in the 1990s, Chris Lorence found it frustrating how many members would have payroll deduction through the institution but keep their primary financial relationship ...