The latest from John Pettit

- by Chris Danese, NAFCU Services Blog

6 steps for detecting and preventing synthetic ID fraud

In our last post, we overviewed the different kinds of synthetic identification fraud and their impacts. Synthetic IDs are easy for fraudsters to create—they make quick money and access ...

- by Zeke Hudson, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

Example content for credit union nurture sequences

Last week, we shared an example of what kind of content a credit union might include in an email nurture sequence. After a few questions about what other products or ...

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

Why most digital banking transformation efforts have stalled

Digital transformation is growing more pervasive in every banking organization, moving beyond “projects” to organization-wide initiatives involving technology, product development, business models and culture. Budgets are increasing as organizations are ...

- by CUNA News

Comments on CFPB remittance rule changes due Jan. 21

CUNA is encouraging credit unions to submit their comments on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposal to raise the safe harbor thresholds for its remittance rule by the ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Retail sales see ‘promising’ growth in December

Total retail sales rose 0.3 percent in December – the third consecutive month to see a rise. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long provided additional insights ...

- by Ray Birch,

A segment of society marginalized by some FIs?

As a member of the LGBTQ community, Myles Meyers knows what it’s like to be treated in a different manner by a financial institution. “I know what it feels ...