The latest from John Pettit

- by Andrew Beatty, Finextra

Top tech for mobile banking? GPS.

We’ve all been there – wherever there is. Those times we find ourselves away from home, on a business trip, or vacation, or just lost and too proud to ask ...

- by David Donovan, The Financial Brand

Platforms for retail banking could turn rivals into allies

Platform “ecosystems,” once the exclusive domain of key direct-to-consumer players like Amazon and Google, are set to have a significant impact on retail banking institutions. Banks and credit unions need ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Berger, Waters talk CU priorities, committee’s efforts

Continuing NAFCU’s credit union priorities push for the new year, association President and CEO Dan Berger and Vice President of Legislative Affairs Brad Thaler were on Capitol Hill Wednesday ...

- by Kellie Lowder, CU Management

The value of team input in an executive decision

While he’s most famously known for saying “None of us is as smart as all of us,” best-selling author Ken Blanchard penned another quote that’s always been a ...

- by Ray Birch,

Used car depreciation to increase in 2020

One expert is warning extending auto loan terms could be even riskier in 2020 should depreciation rates on used cars return to more normal levels, putting borrowers even deeper into ...

- by Brett Morgan, SWBC BusinessHUB

10 (more) binge-worthy stats about cyber crime

Cyber crime is a clear and present danger. Most, if not all, organizations take precautions to avoid loss from traditional robberies or theft, but may not give cyber security a ...