The latest from John Pettit

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

Banking must bridge the growing digital transformation skills gap

Financial institutions globally are investing more than ever in technology and digital capabilities that will allow them to compete more effectively against both fintech and big tech organizations. While advances ...

- by Susanne Biro, CUES Skybox

Your inner game … how is it going?

It was brilliant to meet and work with the leaders who participated in CEO/Executive Team Network last November. I wanted to take a minute to remind participants—and to ...

- by Ruthie Dell, CUCollaborate

Could the SBA be a TIP charter?

One cause near and dear to the hearts of many credit unions is to comprehensively support their local communities. One way credit unions can do this is to partner with ...

- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

The number of Fs your credit union makes

There’s evidence to suggest a cooling economy. Economists point to GDP growth that is limping at a slow pace. Even the Credit Union National Association is predicting “slower economic ...