The latest from John Pettit

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

10 best practices for a successful name change

Changing your credit union’s or community bank’s name can be as scary as {insert your preferred cuss word here}. However, fear is often the enemy of risk. While ...

- by Reginald Watson, NAFCU Compliance Blog

New BSA guidance on USDA’s hemp regulation

Greetings Compliance Friends! A few weeks ago, we provided an update on the Marijuana Banking Landscape, including NCUA’s recent Regulatory Alert 19-02 which reaffirms credit unions’ authority to serve ...

- by Scott Stephens, CU Management

Tech Time: How to build a proactive data security plan

When Canada’s largest credit union experienced a massive data breach in December 2018, the story quickly gained momentum. As the press reported on the incident, it was discovered that ...

- by Adam Tate, Your Marketing Co.

Is your credit union holding itself accountable?

Like any great sports team, a credit union team is only as strong as their least engaged teammate. The best teams in history have not had that one, singular all-star ...