The latest from John Pettit

- by Jason Perry, CU Management

Are you preparing for coronavirus?

With the recent and significant uptick in global cases of the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), and the virus now prevalent in the U.S., credit union executives and their ...

- by Zeke Hudson, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

Goals for credit union retargeting campaigns

These days, most people use the internet to research the things they’re interested in. It happens constantly with consumer goods—people read reviews, blogs, tech specs, and anything they ...

- by CU TrendScan

Keep content relevant, short, iterative and engaging

As the saying goes, content is king. It seems this trend will continue this way for some time, as marketers notice ongoing impact on building awareness, increased customer engagement, as ...

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

Loan Zone: 9 strategies to strengthen business services

Credit unions in the business of serving business members are pretty common today, led by sophisticated operations “that have been at it for a while and have the scale to ...