The latest from John Pettit

- by Paul Seibert, CU Management

Facility Solutions: Keeping sane while sanitizing

I am no expert on the COVID-19 virus. While fearful of near-term consequences to family, friends and community, I am highly optimistic about the future. The pathway through this pandemic ...

- by Norm Patrick, Delivering Possibilities

Taking care of your members during a stressful situation

As we continue to deal with the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S., credit unions are in a unique position to provide their members with much-needed relief ...

- by Jennifer Aguilar, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Allowing your members to skip a payment (or two) on open-end credit

Yesterday, we blogged about the recent NCUA guidance detailing their response to the ongoing pandemic. In the guidance, NCUA “encourages credit unions to work with affected borrowers” and offers numerous ...

- by Becki LaPorte, CSI

Coronavirus and financial crime

In the past weeks, COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) has affected nearly every aspect of day-to-day life. To combat the pandemic, businesses have already taken many steps. Most have needed to work toward ...