The latest from John Pettit

- by Jacqui Regenbogen, TruStage

Inclusive behavior while social distancing – not an oxymoron

At first, the concepts of inclusion and social distancing seem contradictory. Despite today’s very real health need for us to keep physical distance from one another, psychologically – we need ...

- by David Park, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Loan modifications, skips, and adverse action notices

The compliance team has recently blogged about ways in which the current regulations permit credit unions to provide relief to affected borrowers during the COVID-19 national emergency: Mortgage Loan Modification ...

Think|Chat: Filling the security gaps
- by Zach Hill, Think|Stack

Think|Chat: Filling the security gaps

Today’s Think|Chat session addressed a serious and relevant topic – assessing your business’s network security. Tim Foley conducted a virtual “chat” about the topic with Zachary Hill, CTO ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Fed moves to provide $2.3T in loans

The Federal Reserve Thursday announced additional efforts to support the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic, including providing up to $2.3 trillion in loans to households and businesses of all ...

- by Henry Meier, State of Mind

Participating credit unions should get PPP capital relief

The Federal Reserve continues to increase its unprecedented intervention into the American economy. Yesterday, it issued joint regulations with the Treasury and the FDIC permitting the Federal Reserve Banks to ...

- by Jennifer Stangl, CUES Skybox

Rebalancing staffing in these uncertain times

Leaders are important in so-called “ordinary” times. In times of crises—and amidst the sweeping changes brought on by situations like the current COVID pandemic—leaders are critical. Regardless of ...