The latest from John Pettit

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

Compliance staff on high alert

Two watch phrases guide compliance officers as their credit unions navigate a steady stream of regulatory guidance and changes in serving members during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stay tuned. Document everything. ...

- by CU Magazine

Foundations step up with assistance programs

Credit union foundations, with support from leagues and credit unions, are providing relief assistance throughout the states they serve as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic touches every corner of the nation. ...

- by Brandy Bruyere, NAFCU Compliance Blog

NCUA adopts two rules on appraisals

At its April 16, 2020 meeting, the NCUA Board adopted two rules relative to the requirement to obtain an appraisal on certain real-estate related transactions. First, the Board amended the ...

- by Nick Coleman, Credit Unions for Kids and Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

Like credit unions, children’s hospitals are facing difficult times

This pandemic has impacted many industries and companies, some for the better and many for the worse. Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals understands that credit unions are struggling in ...

- by Robert Farrington, Forbes

Are credit unions as safe as banks right now?

Every financial crisis comes with its share of conspiracy theories and fake news, but there’s one rumor I’ve been hearing over and over again over the last few ...

- by Zach Hill, Think|Stack

Not all heroes wear capes

Technology is ever changing.  It is complex and confusing; it is difficult to buy and difficult to sell because it is difficult to understand which is why it’s often ...

- by E.C. Harrison ,

Tips for managing (and securing) work from home

Working at home is a new fact of life for millions of Americans. The initial frenzy of moving work from offices to homes is over. Barking dogs are now frequent ...