The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Compliance Blog

Loss mitigation policies and procedures

The NAFCU compliance team has blogged about short-term forbearance plans and what the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Regulation X might require when providing a credit union’s members ...

- by Michael Gulledge, Delivering Possibilities

Balancing member care and operational soundness during COVID-19

The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has shaken the U.S. economy. Credit unions are juggling tough decisions like never before to help members in need, while grappling with market volatility and ...

- by Glenn Christensen, CEO Advisory Group

5 themes – Conversations with CU leaders

Based on calls we have received over the last month, there is no doubt credit union leaders believe our business will be forever changed after COVID-19. The thoughts these leaders ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Now’s the time to analyze your business model

How are you and your organization doing amid the coronavirus pandemic? It’s a difficult time for us all as we change the way we do business and live. While ...

- by Matt Monge, On The Mark Strategies

Be a better problem solver in 6 steps

If you’re able to, think back to a time pre-the-current-crisis, when some within your organization (just like any organization) were no doubt bothered about this or that change, this ...