The latest from John Pettit

- by Emily Bell, BloomCU

What is A/B testing and why should I do it?

71% of companies run two or more A/B tests a month. And when you look at the benefits, it’s not hard to see why that number is so ...

- by InsightVault

Combating card not present fraud during COVID-19

Enticed by the ease and convenience of eCommerce, consumers have been moving their purchase activity online for years. This trend has only accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, as workplace closures ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Fed heeds NAFCU’s call to eliminate Reg D transaction limit

The Federal Reserve Friday issued an interim final rule to amend Regulation D and remove the six-per-month transaction limit on transferring between savings and checking accounts. NAFCU has long recommended ...


Delivering on brand promise in trying times

Keeping promises, through thick and thin. It’s a fundamental principle of all good relationships. On this week’s episode of Banking on Experience, the importance of delivering on brand ...