The latest from John Pettit

- by Mary Ellen Biery, CU Management

Loan Zone: A strong loan review system is good for your business

Regulators consider an effective loan review system vital to financial institutions’ efforts to meet safety and soundness standards. In fact, banking regulators are in the process of issuing updated guidance ...

- by CU Magazine

Nominate a 2020 Credit Union Rock Star

Credit Union Magazine seeks nominations for the eighth annual Credit Union Rock Stars program, sponsored by Fiserv. Credit Union Rock Stars are professionals and volunteers in credit union organizations who ...

- by Neil Haggerty, American Banker

Coronavirus prompts renewed calls for postal banking, faster payments

Federal efforts to provide stimulus checks to Americans hit by the coronavirus’ economic fallout have revived calls for better government-backed financial delivery systems. Millions of households haven’t received their $...

- by Jay Slagel, Allied Insights

Protect against COVID-19 charity scams

It is a sad, but real fact that charity fraud scams spike in the wake of a major event or catastrophe, such as the current pandemic. Educating your consumers about ...

- by

Credit unions, CUSOs fighting fraudsters

Credit unions across the country are on high alert for scammers looking to take advantage of members during the pandemic and are stepping up fraud prevention efforts as a result,” ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Vehicle sales fall to lowest number since 1976

Total vehicle sales continued to plummet in April, falling to 8.6 million annualized units. Monthly sales levels were down 47.8 percent versus April 2019 and hit the lowest ...