The latest from John Pettit

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Lessons learned from the pandemic

The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic has tested our leadership abilities, the strength of our companies, and mental fortitude. While we can draw similarities to previous crises – like the 2008 ...

- by Hannah Lang, Zogo

What we learned from the “Humans of Credit Unions”

At Zogo, we spend a lot of time talking to people — about their lives, about their financial worries, about what they wish someone had taught them about personal finance. A ...

- by CUNA News

CFPB statement, FAQs outline billing error responsibilities

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) this week released a statement and frequently asked questions (FAQs) document outlining the responsibility of credit card issuers and open-end non-home secured creditors during ...

- by Claire Wiese, TruStage

Tips for working from home with kids

In these unprecedented times, many of us are fortunate to be able to work from home. This can mean changes to our work schedules, but for many, it means sharing ...

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

Three keys to thrive during economic downturn

One of the funniest memes I saw recently was this one: Funny. Sad. True. When we were planning for 2020 in 2019, no one could have foreseen the pandemic or ...

- by Michella Markelz, SWBC BusinessHUB

Recruiting and on-boarding new employees in a remote workplace

Since the nationwide implementation of social distancing measures put in place to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, many companies have shifted to operating a remote workforce. Since mid-February, ...