The latest from John Pettit

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Use this strategy to transform your leadership

As leaders, we’re always searching for the magic combination of skills to motivate our teams, run our organizations efficiently, meet member/customer demands, and stay viable in competitive markets. ...

- by Marc Rapport,

Lending pros share pandemic-fueled lending lessons

Credit unions have been learning a lot about their capacity to lend during the coronavirus pandemic, and we’re not talking about just liquidity. As members were thrown out of ...

- by Russell Evans, CUES Blog

Be better than your bias

George Floyd, Philando Castile, Eric Garner. These are some of the names of African American men whose deaths by the hands of law enforcement were captured on video. Horrific events ...

- by Art Chamberlain, CU Management

Effective leadership in the pandemic and beyond

Credit union leaders certainly have learned a lot this year after many were ordered to shut their offices and send everyone home for weeks, months or an indeterminate amount of ...

- by Sam Brownell, CUCollaborate

The pros of a federal credit union charter

In most states, credit unions have a choice of operating with a state or federal charter. There are a number of considerations in determining which charter is more advantageous.  This ...