The latest from John Pettit

- by CU Management

CFO Focus: 7 filters for strategic cost-cutting

Like in the Great Recession, decision-makers are facing a margin squeeze, credit risk is unknown and non-interest income is under pressure. During that time, there was significant cost-cutting. But it ...

- by Paroon Chadha, CUES Blog

Three cybersecurity tips for credit unions in a COVID world

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, credit unions everywhere rolled out business disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Alongside drive-thru services and social distancing, credit unions implemented cybersecurity policies to maintain ...

- by Lisa Mercer, Zogo

Everyone’s using Zoom, and it shows

We’ve all been Zooming, so it probably comes as no surprise to hear that the videoconferencing service Zoom reported revenue growth of 169% from the previous year in its ...

- by CUNA News

CU-supported candidates win Tuesday across six states

More than 25 credit union-supported candidates in six states won their primary elections Tuesday. Primaries were held in Georgia, Maine, North Dakota, Nevada, South Carolina and West Virginia. Candidates were ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Berger pushes SBA for updated PPP guidance

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger Tuesday urged the Small Business Administration (SBA) to release updated guidance to help paycheck protection program (PPP) lenders and borrowers implement changes enacted by ...

- by Laurie Maddalena, MBA, CPCC, PHR, CU Management

NextGen Know-How: Your employees need active leadership

Leading virtually has its challenges, and it requires leaders to adjust how they assign work and interact with their employees. Your employees may feel challenged as well, since not only ...

- by Jennifer Plager, CU Magazine

Billboard message transcends COVID-19 to racism

A can of spray paint turned a UW Credit Union billboard promoting togetherness during a public health crisis into a conversation starter about racism and social justice. In March, UW ...