The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

FHFA releases updates reflecting COVID-19 impact on GSEs

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Monday issued its 2019 Report to Congress – outlining efforts to ensure safety and soundness within the housing market and the government-sponsored enterprises’ (GSEs) financial ...

- by Hannah Lang, Zogo

How are you working to innovate?

In 2000, Blockbuster Video was approached by a much smaller company offering to sell their business for $50 million. The CEO dismissed the offer, saying the company was too tiny, ...

- by Lindsay Owen, Delivering Possibilities

Creating a culture of unity in the workplace

PSCU’s LGBTQ+ employee resource group, PSCUnity, had planned to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month, which is recognized in the month of June across the world. However, amid the suffering and ...

- by Robert McGarvey, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

Mobile account origination: Pass or fail?

Easy question for you: can consumers originate a new account at your credit union within the mobile app? I’ll bet you I know the answer and that is because ...

The secret for small undesirable credit unions
- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

The secret for small undesirable credit unions

We all know many small and mid-sized credit unions find it hard to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to facilitating tech. So, when it comes to talking ...