The latest from John Pettit

- by Zeke Hudson, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

Common causes of poor phone and voice quality

You’ve been there before… you’re in the middle of a meeting, a conference, or just a phone call with a member… And suddenly, the call drops. You try ...

- by Michael Dippo, SWBC LenderHUB

Auto finance market stats and trends: Q1 2020

It goes without saying that the first quarter of 2020 has been tumultuous across the board. While it can be difficult to keep up, having a solid pulse on the ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Standing up for social justice

In recent months, our country has come face to face with our history of social injustice. But this isn’t a problem that arose overnight; freedom hasn’t been the ...

- by JD Pisula, CU Management

CFO Focus: More on the future of floating rates

Originally utilized in 1969, LIBOR—the London Interbank Offered Rate—was officially adopted by the British Bankers Association in 1986 as a benchmark rate and has subsequently become the global ...

- by Steve Cocheo, The Financial Brand

Differentiate or Die: Financial institutions must rethink brand mission

Traditional financial institutions accomplished some admirable tasks in the coronavirus national emergency. They distributed billions in Paycheck Protection Program funds, provided financial services through remote channels during lockdowns, and gave ...