The latest from John Pettit

- by CUNA News

CUNA’s Michlig talks COVID-19 recovery task force

CUNA Chief Engagement Officer Greg Michlig joined CUBroadcast recently to talk CUNA’s Credit Union System COVID-19 Restart and Recovery Task Force. “The task force is about the credit union ...

- by Lisa Hochgraf, CU Management

Reopening the doors … to members wearing masks

Donning a mask to walk into a financial institution has been “one of the weirdest experiences” that Ian Kildow has had in recent times. Financial fraud investigative supervisor at the ...

- by Scott Johnston, CUES Blog

This credit union’s show must go on

Credit unions’ response to the pandemic has showcased their overwhelming dedication to serving their members and communities, providing support and compassion during times of need. However, it also exposed limitations ...