Ask Mike: Back office incentives

Don’t get caught up in “fairness.”

Do you have a question about improving sales, employee performance or sales cultures? In our new column, Michael Neill, CSE, will take your questions and offer his best advice. Neill is president of Michael Neill & Associates, Franklin, Tenn., and a CUES strategic partner in offering ServiStar.

Question: How Can We Offer Incentives to the Back Office?

Frequently, when credit unions decide to implement an employee sales incentive program, they worry about being “fair” to the back office.

First of all, employee incentives do work. It’s just a shame that they do. Leadership and coaching work better to encourage the results you’re looking for. Read why in my previous article.

But, back to the back office. We do want to offer incentives for the support areas. But those incentives need to reflect the work back office employees actually do rather than just trying to make front and back office incentive dollars equal for the sake fairness.


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