Appearance Counts

Imagine getting ready to give a big presentation. You’ve practiced and polished it, your materials and equipment are ready to go, and maybe you’re even sporting a fresh haircut and a manicure. Then just before you leave home, you throw on an old, stained t-shirt and frayed jeans. Chances are that no matter how great your presentation is, you won’t be taken seriously.

Print materials are the same. The best information, presented in a sloppy way, can make a poor impression. Don’t waste great content with poor production quality.

Print Quality Checklist: Top ten things to look for.

  1. Paper quality – Consciously or subliminally, the feel of the stock communicates impressions. Is it lightweight, or solid? Cheap, or substantial?
  2. Text printing – Great copy doesn’t mean much if it’s hard to read. Blurry text, uneven ink distribution, or other printing defects convey a haphazard work standard.
  3. Color matching – A logo is the face of a business, so companies invest a lot in its design. Color precision in reproducing a brand image is critical to maintaining consistency. A set of mailers or brochures should look identical when placed side by side.

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