An Overlooked Market Segment with Great Potential

by Joe Swatek

I came across an article about business-to-business marketing that went on and on about marketing analytics, advisory boards, pricing strategies, and coordinating all the various advertising media.

Wow. I got tired just reading it. Luckily for financial institutions that want to improve their business account openings, there’s a much easier way.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Why should I care about opening business accounts when there are so many more individual account prospects?” Well, here are a few reasons…

  • Small business deposit and loan amounts are typically 10 times or more greater than those of individual accounts.
  • During the first quarter of 2012, retail checking balances averaged $3,157, while non-interest business checking balances averaged $21,292.(Kafakian Group statistics)
  • No other segment offers as many financial cross-sell opportunities.
  • Capturing the “total” business (owner and employees) can increase potential business-only revenues by 100%.
  • More than 60% of small businesses are non-borrowers, so financial institutions can focus on higher return fees these relationships offer.

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