Always be careful saying never…

I was suckered into reading a “click bait” story recently. 10 Phrases Successful People Avoid (but losers use).

Ugh, what a terrible title. But I clicked.

And guess what? There was some gold hidden in there.

Phrases that losers use? Nope. I think the article listed traps that we all can fall into. Here are three of those phrases.

  • That won’t work.
    How do you know it won’t work? Even if it’s something that’s been tried before that doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t work this time. Shutting down ideas without trying them is definitely not the mark of a winner.
  • I can’t do it.
    OK, negative Nancy, but guess what? If you can’t do it, chances are they’ll find someone else who can. Instead, approach this from the perspective of what you’ll need to accomplish the task. Do you need more training, more support, more supplies, more time?
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