Advancing with our unified voice

The oldest credit union in America, St. Mary’s Bank, is facing the very modern problems of increasing fraud and scams aimed at financial institutions. These challenges were highlighted in American Banker this week.

We took part in the story – with America’s Credit Unions Chief Advocacy Officer Carrie Hunt and Deputy Chief Economist Curt Long both focusing their comments on the impact of fraud and how the cost of doing business continues to rise – regardless of asset size – as credit unions continue their outstanding member service.

We’ve convened a task force with our members to find more ways to advocate with our strong, unified voice for a better anti-fraud environment and substantive policy changes. It will be a chief topic of discussion as Leagues and credit unions continue visits to Capitol Hill while Congress is in town the next few weeks.

The bigger picture

Together we’re laying the foundation for our advocacy agenda next year, reinforcing the credit union difference with a unified voice as tax reform discussions further develop.


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